All you need for world-class developer portals and API references

Doctave has got your back from authoring, to reviewing, to publishing and hosting technical documentation that turns readers into customers

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No more wrangling open source tools

Launch your developer portal without endless configuration

Powerful search, OpenAPI support, UI components, reader analytics, feedback, great design. Doctave comes with everything you need to build great developer documentation

Don't waste time wiring together countless open source tools. Launch your own developer portal in record time.

A screenshot of a Doctave developer portal

Git-based workflow

Make source control the source of truth for your docs. Automatically deploy changes from CI/CD.

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Component library

Use Doctave’s built-in component library to build beautiful, interactive, and responsive documentation.

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Great design

Get a modern, clean, dark-mode-ready design out of the box. Customize your theme to fit your brand without any CSS.

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Flexible versioning

Manage documentation version with Git branches. No duplicate content bloating your repository and slowing down your builds.

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OpenAPI documentation generator

Include your OpenAPI spec and create modern API reference documentation alongside your Markdown guides.

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Unified search

Search through OpenAPI reference documentation and Markdown guides in one place. No need to set up a separate search engine.

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Unify API references and product documentation

OpenAPI references and Markdown docs

Doctave supports OpenAPI references and Markdown docs. Unify all your content in one place and let users search across your entire documentation set

A screenshot of a Doctave OpenAPI reference


Flexible versioning

Version your documentation in separate Git branches, and deploy them independently from CI/CD. No duplicate content bloating your repository and slowing down builds

A screenshot of Doctave site with multiple versions

Access control

Public, private, or password-protected docs

Doctave supports public, private, and password-protected documentation. Control access to your documentation with fine-grained permissions per version

A screenshot of an authentication screen in a Doctave docs site

Understand your readers

User feedback and analytics

Built-in GDPR-compliant, cookieless feedback and reader analytics. Collect feedback from your users and see how they're using your documentation

A screenshot of a reader feedback widget in a Doctave docs site

Ready to upgrade your docs?

Try Doctave for free until you're ready to go to production

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